
Provisioning is a core concept of the FlexiAPI - Linphone clients flow.


Please check the About & Auth section of the API.


To request the following URLs client MUST add a specific x-linphone-provisioning header. Otherwise the URLs with always return 400. This specific header is required to prevent unsolicited clients (crawlers, embedders) to consume the tokens.

> GET /provisioning/###
> x-linphone-provisioning

Provisioning XML

  <section name="misc">
    <entry name="contacts-vcard-list" overwrite="true">https://flexiphp.bla/contacts/vcard</entry>

A provisioning content example

The general idea is to allow the clients to access a unique URL returning a custom XML file containing the following elements:


When scanning a provisioning URL with a valid token the server is also:


When an account is having an available provisioning_token it can be provisioned using the following URLs.

GET /provisioning


Return the provisioning information available in the liblinphone configuration file (if correctly configured).

GET /provisioning/auth_token/{auth_token}


Return the provisioning information available linked to the account that was attached to the auth_token.

GET /provisioning/{provisioning_token}?reset_password


Return the provisioning information available linked to the account related to the provisioning_token. Return 404 if the provisioning_token provided is not valid or expired otherwise.

If the account is not activated the account will be activated. The account is then considered as "provisioned".

URL parameters:

GET /provisioning/qrcode/{provisioning_token}?reset_password


Return a QRCode that points to the provisioning URL.

URL parameters:

GET /provisioning/me


Authenticated endpoint, see API About & Auth

Return the same base content as the previous URL and the account related information, similar to the provisioning_token endpoint. However this endpoint will always return those information.